Dreams of the Father and Insights of the Daughter

Finding a new relationship built on the foundation of the past, we are moving into the future with anticipation for what will be discovered. Person to person, moving away from preconceived ideas about what this stage of life has to offer, we are open to the experience of each day as a revelation and a gift.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dubuque in the morning we went to a musical presentation by a youth steel drum band. They were wonderful.

"Inspired by the story about how the slaves of Trinidad had their musical instruments confiscated by their owners.

So they learned to make their own musical instruments from whatever materials were available because music was so much a part of their culture and how they communicate, tell their stories and maintain their legacy.

Generations later, when steel oil drums began appearing on their island, it was just a matter of time before Trinidad's musicians figured out a way to hammer the drums into authentic musical instruments capable of supporting specific notes and a tonal range.

Now steel drums are found all over the world, and they are even part of symphony orchestras not to mention marching bands."

View from Fenelon Tram going up the hill. A banker got tired of driving 1 1/2 hours by horse and cart to work everyday. He wanted to come home for lunch with a half hour to eat and a half hour to rest. He built a tram to come up and down the ridge. His gardener let him down and up every day. Some neighbors began to use it too. Over the years it was developed to and eight person car. The shortest and steepest Tram.

View from Park in Dubuque.

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